This workout will help ward off injury, increase lower-body power and build strength for running faster and for longer…

Whether your running involves a weekly parkrun or massive mileage, your performance will be greatly improved by taking the time to do complementary strength work.

More strength – not just in your legs, but also your core and upper body – equals greater resilience to injury, and the ability to run stronger, with efficient form, for longer.

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And you don’t need to spend hours in the gym to build strength for running.

Here, the running training experts at Runna have pulled together the following run-boosting circuit to help you reach peak performance.

Build strength for running

Complete each exercise back-to-back for 10 reps, keeping rest to a minimum. Once one round is complete, rest for 60-90 seconds, and repeat twice more for a total of three rounds.

Build Strength For Running With This Six-Move Circuit | Men's Fitness UK

1a. Step-Up Knee Drive

Benefits: Builds hip and leg strength, and helps with muscular imbalances due to it being a single-leg movement.

  • Stand facing a box or bench of an appropriate height with your feet together. This will be your starting position.
  • Begin the movement by stepping up, putting your left foot on the top of the bench.
  • Extend through the hip and knee of your front leg to stand up onto the box.
  • As you stand on the box with your left leg, flex your right knee and hip, bringing your knee as high as you can.
  • Reverse this motion to step down off the box, then repeat the sequence on the opposite leg.

Build Strength For Running With This Six-Move Circuit | Men's Fitness UK

1b. Single-Leg Squat

Benefits: Builds strength in both the gluteus medius and glutues maximus at the same time, to help you become a more powerful runner.

  • Stand on one leg, with your foot pointing straight ahead and the knee of the other leg slightly bent.
  • You can have your arms extended for balance or kept at your sides.
  • Retract your shoulder blades and keep your back straight.
  • Keep your weight centred over the ball of your foot, your upper body upright, and your head facing forward.
  • Raise the non-supporting foot from the floor slightly.
  • Lower to a squat position, keeping the knee of the supporting leg centred over the ball of the foot.
  • Start with shallow squats and work your way closer to the ground.

Build Strength For Running With This Six-Move Circuit | Men's Fitness UK

1c. Bulgarian Split Squat

Benefits: The Bulgarian split squat is also an excellent way to strengthen your gluteus medius. That’s important for runners, because the gluteus medius plays a critical role in preventing the inward collapse of your knee, a function that goes a long way toward keeping your ankles, knees and hips healthy.

  • Find yourself a step, bench or any other contraption that you can rest a foot on – it needs to be about knee height.
  • Get into a forward lunge position with torso upright, core braced and hips square to your body, with your back foot elevated on the bench. Your leading leg should be half a metre or so in front of the bench.
  • Lower until your front thigh is almost horizontal, keeping your knee in line with your foot. Don’t let your front knee travel beyond your toes.
  • Drive up through your front heel back to the starting position, again keeping your movements measured.

Build Strength For Running With This Six-Move Circuit | Men's Fitness UK

1d. Side Lunge

Benefits: Lunges help runners control the hips and strengthen the quads, hamstrings, glutes, and core – all muscle groups we rely on to run. They also help identify weaknesses that can lead to running injuries.

  • Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, toes pointed forward.
  • Step out with your right foot as wide as possible and drop your hips back and down.
  • Keep the leg straight, keep both soles of feet on the group and make sure your opposite knee is tracking directly over the toe.
  • Engage your groin and leg muscles and push back up to a standing position. Push through your heel.
  • Repeat on the other side.

Build Strength For Running With This Six-Move Circuit | Men's Fitness UK

1e. Lunge and Overhead Reach

Benefits: Builds strength in your quadriceps and gluteus muscles, while improving balance, core stability and proprioception.

  • Begin with your feet positioned shoulder-width apart and knees slightly bent.
  • Inhale as you raise your arms above your head (make the move harder by using a pair dumbbells if you have them).
  • Keep the weight directly overhead and centered between your shoulder joints.
  • Exhale as you take a comfortable step forward into a deep lunge position.
  • Inhale and pause to check your form. Your forward knee should remain over your forward foot and not in front of it.
  • Exhale as you forcefully drive your forward heel into the ground. Inhale as you return yourself to the starting position.

Build Strength For Running With This Six-Move Circuit | Men's Fitness UK

1f. Mountain Climber

Benefits: Helps develop power in the lower body, which is why athletes frequently use them as a warm-up to help prepare the neuromuscular system for the intensity to come.

  • Start in the top of a press-up position.
  • Keeping your shoulders locked, alternate jumping each foot forward so your knee comes towards the elbow of the same side, but your hands stay on the ground.


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