This arms and abs workout focuses on the glory muscles – but that’s not to say it’s easy.

Of course, any strength training programme should focus primarily on the big, compound lifts – which recruit maximum muscle and yield optimal results across the board. However, if you want to build bigger arms and stronger abs, you’re also going to need to get specific with your arms and abs workout routines.

Need a pair of dumbbells? Discover our pick of the best dumbbells for home workouts

With this session, the first superset will primarily target your back and biceps, but your chest, core and triceps will receive some supplementary benefits.

The second set is a bit easier because it involves fewer muscles, but it will really zone in on your arms.

The final superset works your often overlooked lower abs, before finishing with some back extensions to strengthen your lower back.

If you’ve got a simple pull-up bar and a pair of dumbbells at home, this arms and abs workout can be easily replicated away from the gym. Simply swap the medicine ball press-ups for regular press-ups, the EZ bar curls for dumbbell concentration curls, and the Swiss ball exercises for regular dumbbell triceps extensions and dumbbell deadlifts.

Related: Best Dumbbell Exercises & Workouts For Every Body Part

The arms and abs workout

1a. Chin-Up (5 reps x 5 sets)
1b. Medicine Ball Press-Up (10 reps x 3 sets)

2a. EZ Bar Preacher Curl (8 reps x 3 sets)
2b. Swiss Ball Triceps Extension (10 reps x 3 sets)

3a. Hanging Leg Raise (10 reps x 3 sets)
3b. Swiss Ball Back Extension (12 reps x 3 sets)

How to do the exercises in this arms and abs workout


man in red vest and shorts performing the first stage of a chin-up in the gym man in red vest and shorts performing the second stage of a chin-up in the gym

1a. Chin-Up

Reps: 5
Rest: Straight into 1b
Sets: 5

  • Hang from a bar with your hands 30cm apart or from chin-up handles, using an underhand grip.
  • Maintain a natural arch in your back – don’t hunch forwards – and don’t let your legs swing.
  • Curl yourself up the bar, leading with your chest and focusing on pulling with your biceps.
  • Once your chin is above your hands slowly lower yourself back to the start.
man in red vest and shorts performing the first stage of a medicine ball press-up in the gym man in red vest and shorts performing the second stage of a medicine ball press-up in the gym

1b. Medicine Ball Press-Up

Reps: 10
Rest: 60 secs, then repeat 1a
Sets: 5

  • Start in a press-up position but with your hands either side of a medicine ball, rather than flat on the floor.
  • Keeping your body in a straight line from head to heels, lower your chest until it touches the ball before powering back up strongly.


man in red vest and shorts performing the first stage of an EZ bar preacher curl in the gym man in red vest and shorts performing the second stage of a EZ bar preacher curl in the gym

2a. EZ Bar Preacher Curl

Reps: 8
Rest: Straight into 2b
Sets: 3

  • Sit at a preacher bench and hold an EZ-bar with an underhand grip.Keeping your torso against the bench, slowly curl the bar up towards your face.
  • At the top, squeeze your biceps muscles before slowly returning the bar back down.
man in red vest and shorts performing the first stage of a Swiss ball dumbbell triceps extension man in red vest and shorts performing the second stage of a Swiss ball dumbbell triceps extension

2b. Swiss Ball Dumbbell Triceps Extension

Reps: 10
Rest: 60 secs, then repeat 2a
Sets: 3

  • Lie with your upper back on a gym ball, holding a dumbbell in each hand directly above your chest.
  • Keeping your elbows pointing to the ceiling, slowly lower the weights down to the side of your head.
  • Slowly return to the start.


man in red vest and shorts performing the first stage of a hanging leg raise in the gym man in red vest and shorts performing the second stage of a

3a. Hanging Leg Raise

Reps: 10
Rest: Straight into 3b
Sets: 3

  • Hang from a pull-up bar or handles.
  • Keeping your legs straight and, without swinging, use your abs to raise your legs in front of you until they are parallel to the floor.
  • Lower slowly back to the start.
man in red vest and shorts performing the first stage of a Swiss ball back extension man in red vest and shorts performing the second stage of a Swiss ball back extension

3b. Swiss Ball Back Extension

Reps: 10
Rest: 60 secs, then repeat 3a
Sets: 3

  • Lie face down on a gym ball with your feet shoulder-width apart and your hands at your temples.
  • Engage your core and lift your head and chest off the ball.
  • Lower slowly back to the start and repeat.


  1. How to get bigger arms at home: dumbbell workout
  2. Build bigger arms with this 10-move workout
  3. Swiss ball exercises to target abs and improve full-body strength