Bridging the gap between strength and cardio, the kettlebell is one of the most versatile and functional pieces of fitness equipment around.

Virtually every kettlebell moves requires core stability and a good level of cardiovascular fitness, as your muscles are forced to compensate for the bell’s low centre of mass. 

The aim of this workout is to get through as many rounds as possible in the allotted time – in this case, 15 minutes.

Quick Freeletics Kettlebell AMRAP Workout | Men's Fitness UK

1a. KB Sumo High Pull x 10

  • Start by standing upright with your feet shoulder-width apart and the kettlebell on the floor between your legs.
  • Hinge at your waist, bend your knees slightly and hike the kettlebell between your legs.
  • Once you’ve picked the kettlebell up, thrust up and raise it to your chest.

Quick Freeletics Kettlebell AMRAP Workout | Men's Fitness UK

1b. KB Goblet Squat x 10

  • Begin by standing with your feet just wider than shoulder-width apart.
  • Hold the weight against your chest and, as you squat down, keep your elbows inside the line of your knees, and the heels of your feet flat on the ground.
  • Go as low as you can, then come back up, pushing through your heels.
  • Keep your movements measured and your abs tensed as you move.

Quick Freeletics Kettlebell AMRAP Workout | Men's Fitness UK

1c. KB Snatch (left) x 10

  • Start standing upright with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Grab the kettlebell with your left hand, ensuring that your core is tight and back is straight.
  • Hinge at the waist, bend your knees slightly and hike the kettlebell between your legs.
  • Thrust your hips forward using your glutes, and use this momentum to send the kettlebell as high as possible.
  • Continue pulling the kettlebell into the overhead position, then, once fully extended, catch the kettlebell on your wrist before starting to lower it back down.

Quick Freeletics Kettlebell AMRAP Workout | Men's Fitness UK

1d. KB Snatch (right) x 10


Words: David Wiener, training specialist at Freeletics