resistance bands Archives - MensFitness Just another WordPress site Wed, 24 May 2023 14:32:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 resistance bands Archives - MensFitness 32 32 Resistance Bands vs Weights Wed, 24 May 2023 11:00:41 +0000 Find out what muscle-building bit of kit is best for you

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Resistance bands vs weights: Find out what’s best for you…

At its core, building a muscle’s strength requires you to put it under some sort of load. The simplest way to do that can be done with bodyweight workouts – hence the popularity of Pilates. However, if you’ve reached a strength ceiling or you’re looking to increase the intensity of your workouts, you need to add some resistance into the mix. Popular means of doing so are with either resistance bands or weights (both free weights and machines). But what are the pros and cons of each? And is one better than the other?

Check out the TRX Bandit Resistance Band Kit


$49.95 / £69.95 /

Resistance bands vs weights: what muscles are targeted?

An easy way to differentiate between the two is what they target when used. Weights tend to focus on the big muscle groups. On the other hand, resistance bands are able to direct tension to smaller, supporting muscles. These are often overlooked or missed during heavier lifts or dumbbell movements.

“For me, free weights are king – and that’s what you’ve always got in gyms,” says Darren Bruce, PT at Third Space. “But there are so many different things you can do with resistance bands.”

Discover the best dumbbell exercises for every body part

Benefits of resistance bands

Bruce believes that the biggest benefit of resistance bands is the fact that you can use them in multiple planes. “With a dumbbell or a barbell, you’re pretty much linear – straight up or straight down, out in front or pulled back. Whereas if I need to move, for instance, diagonally at 45 degrees, with a resistance band leashed onto a pole, you can move very dynamically with it at an angle.”

Their adaptability allows you to work every body part. In turn, this helps to build the strength of stabilising muscles, minimising muscle imbalances and the risk of injury that they can cause.


He adds that resistance bands with lighter tension are great for stretching, mobility work and rehabilitation (“a dumbbell is not going to work for all those things”). Equally, their relatively low cost and small footprint can make them great investments for those who want to start working out but might not have the confidence to join a gym.

“If you want to work out at home and you don’t have the money for the cost for dumbbells,” adds Bruce, “then I would say that bands are an extremely effective tool to use.”

Looking to invest in some dumbbells? Try the JaxJox 22.6kg DumbbellConnect


$499 / £390 /

He says that those at the start of their fitness journeys probably have the most to gain from using resistance bands. “If you’re not an experienced lifter, then even a light band is going to have a lot of effects for you”. But that doesn’t mean that they don’t have their uses for avid gym-goers.

“I may use power bands when it comes to helping my clients do pull-ups,” says Bruce. “You can suspend it from the top, put it under their knees and that can provide some assistance.”

Benefits of weights

There are occasions when free weights are better to use than a resistance band – particularly when lifting heavy. Free weights use gravity to create resistance. However, that means there are easier and harder sections of each lift. For instance, with dumbbells, at the very top of the lift is when it’s at its lightest. Resistance bands provide a constant level of tension throughout.

“The really thick resistance bands are brutal to move – to keep the control is actually quite difficult,” says Bruce. “If you’re a slightly experienced lifter, you’ll probably need to [decrease the resistance] slightly. This means you’re going to need to do a lot more volume [than when using free weights].”

Ultimately, the best approach is to use a combination of free weights and resistance bands. While the former is perceived to be the stereotypical way to build muscle and strength, the latter is a vital tool that can improve overall stability, reduce injuries and make you a well-rounded athlete.

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 Resistance Band Arms Workout Wed, 24 May 2023 09:50:45 +0000 Resistance bands offer a convenient alternative to dumbbells. Keep one in your gym bag to perform this workout any time

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Resistance bands offer a convenient alternative to dumbbells. Keep one in your gym bag to perform this resistance band arms workout any time…

This resistance band arms workout is suggested by personal trainer, running coach, fitness consultant and co-founder of Track Life Ldn, Omar Mansour. He recommends choosing a resistance band that challenges you, and focusing on slow, controlled movements to create that mind-muscle connection.

“If you’re new to strength training or coming back from an injury,” says Mansour, “resistance band workouts are an excellent choice. They can be a safer option than dumbbells and still achieve a similar stimulus.

“Bands can challenge you in different ways to free weights, too. Typically the upper portion of the movement is harder, because that’s when the band is stretched tight with the most resistance. Overloading the top part of an exercise in this way can create greater muscular activation.”

Try the Amazon Basics TPE Resistance Band


£8.84 / (not available in the US)


  1. Build bigger arms at home with this dumbbell workout
  2. Best resistance band exercises
  3. Resistance band upper-body workout

Resistance band arms workout

Complete 15 reps of each exercise, and work through as many rounds as you can in 20 minutes.

  1. Resistance band biceps curl  
  2. Banded overhead triceps extension  
  3. Resistance band shoulder press  
  4. Banded triceps press-up 
  5. Resistance band pull-apart 

Man performing a banded biceps curl - resistance band arm exercisesMan performing end of a banded biceps curl - resistance band arm exercisesResistance band biceps curl  

  • Stand in the middle of a resistance band, feet shoulder-width apart. 
  • Grab the top of the band with both hands with a similar gap between them.  
  • Brace your core and then curl the band up until your hands reach about shoulder level, before lowering with control. 

Man performing a banded overhead triceps extension - resistance band arm exercisesMan performing end of a banded overhead triceps extension - resistance band arm exercises

Resistance band overhead triceps extension  

  • Start in a staggered stance, looping one end of a long resistance band under your rear foot. Stretch the other end of the band up behind you in line with your spine.
  • Extend your elbows and drive your wrists to the sky, pulling the band upwards until the elbows are almost locked out.
  • Slowly lower under control back to the starting position. Aim to avoid your elbows flaring and overarching your lower back.  

Man performing a banded shoulder press - resistance band arm exercisesMan performing end of a banded overhead shoulder press - resistance band arm exercises
Banded shoulder press 

  • Step onto the resistance band, feet shoulder-width apart. Grab both sides of the band near the top and bring it to shoulder height.
  • Brace your core and press the band overhead until your arms are locked out.
  • Lower with control back to shoulder height. 

Man starting a banded triceps press-up - resistance band arm exercisesMan performing a banded press-up - resistance band arm exercises
Banded triceps push-up

  • Place the band around your mid/upper back, under your arms, and loop the band through the palm of your hands. Have your hands narrower than shoulder width apart. Keep your head in front of the hands and your shoulders set back, keeping your elbows pointing in.   
  • From a high plank position, bend elbows and lower body as one unit until your elbows are bent at least 90 degrees. (If you can keep form, go lower.)
  • Push the ground away from you and lock out as you return to the top of the movement.   

Man performing a band pull-apart - resistance band arm exercisesMan performing end of a band pull-apart - resistance band arm exercises

Resistance band pull-apart 

  • Take a wide stance with the resistance band held in both hands, shoulder-width apart, straight out in front of you.
  • Tighten your core and squeeze your glutes. Stretch the band by moving your hands out to either side.
  • When you reach the greatest possible distance, reverse slowly back to the starting position.
  • Make sure your shoulders don’t rise up as you repeat.  

Related content:

  1. Resistance Band Upper-Body Workout
  2. Best Dumbbell Back Exercises
  3. Post-Workout Mobility Routine

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Resistance Band Full-Body Workout Wed, 24 May 2023 09:40:46 +0000 Build muscle and strength from home with this resistance band full-body workout from performance coach Omar Mansour

The post Resistance Band Full-Body Workout appeared first on MensFitness.

Build muscle and strength from home with this resistance band full-body workout from performance coach Omar Mansour.

“This resistance band full-body workout will target all your main muscles,” says Omar Mansour. “Pick a resistance band that creates a good amount of resistance in each exercise, but one you can control through the movements. 

Bands can challenge you in different ways to free weights – typically the upper portion of the movement is harder, because that’s when the band is stretched tight with the most resistance. Overloading the top part of an exercise in this way can create greater muscular activation. 

Try the Amazon Basics TPE Resistance Band


£8.84 / (not available in the US)

Resistance Band Full-Body Workout 

1a. Front Squat x 45 secs
1b. Seated Back Row x 45 secs
1c. Press-Up x 45 secs
1d. Reverse Lunge x 45 secs
1e. Overhead Press x 45 secs
1f. Bicep Curl x 45 secs

How to do this workout:

Complete the exercises back-to-back. Do each exercise for 45 secs, rest for 15 secs, then move on. Rest 60 secs after the last exercise and repeat for a total of 4 rounds.

Related content:

  1. Best resistance band exercises
  2. Resistance band leg workout
  3. How to use resistance bands
Man performing banded front squatMan performing banded front squat

1a. Banded Front Squat  

Time: 45 secs
Rest: None, go straight into 1b

Main muscles: Glutes, quads, hip adductors  

  • Stand on the band with feet shoulder width apart.
  • Rack the band under the chin, palms facing the sky and elbows facing forward. 
  • Push the hips back and bend the knees performing a front squat while keeping your elbows high throughout and your weight over your heels. 
Man performing a banded seated back rowMan performing a banded seated back row

1b. Banded Seated Back Row 

Time: 45 secs
Rest: None, go straight into 1c

Main muscles: Lats, rhomboids, mid to lower traps, biceps 

  • Sit on the floor with your legs extended, loop the resistance band around the soles of your feet.
  • Pull the band toward your waistline, while squeezing the shoulder blades together.
  • Slowly release to the starting position and repeat.
  • Keep chest high throughout.  

Man performing banded press-upMan performing banded press-up

1c. Banded Press-Up 

Time: 45 secs
Rest: None, go straight into 1d

Main muscles: Pecs, delts, triceps, serrates anterior 

  • Place the band around the mid/upper back, under your arms, and loop the band through the palm of your hands. 
  • Have your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Head in front of the hands and shoulders set back.  
  • From a high plank position bend elbows and lower body as one unit until elbows are at least 90 degrees. (If you can keep form, go lower).
  • Then push ground away from you and lock out as you return to the top of the movement.  

Man performing a banded reverse lungeMan performing a banded reverse lunge

1d. Banded Reverse lunge 

Time: 45 secs
Rest: None, go straight into 1e

Main muscles: Glutes, hamstrings, quads, calves

  • Loop resistance band around your right foot, behind your shoulders, and around in front of your neck.
  • Keeping your upper body tall, step backward with your left foot and lower your body until your front knee is bent at least 90 degrees and the same for the back knee.
  • Push yourself back to starting position.

man performing banded overhead press as part of resistance band full-body workout

1e. Banded Overhead Press

Time: 45 secs
Rest: None, go straight into 1f

Main muscles: Delts, triceps, traps

  • Put one foot in the middle of the resistance band.
  • Now grab both sides of the band – near the top – and bring it to shoulder height.
  • Brace your core and press the band overhead until arms are locked out.
  • Now lower with control back to shoulder height.

Man performing banded bicep curlMan performing banded bicep curl

1f. Banded Bicep curl 

Time: 45 secs
Rest: 60 secs, then repeat 1a
Sets: 4

Main muscles: Biceps

  • Stand in the middle of a resistance band.
  • Grab each side of the band with each hand.  
  • Brace your core and then curl the band up until your hands reach about shoulder level, before lowering with control.

Omar Mansour is a personal trainer, running coach, fitness consultant and co-founder of Track Life Ldn. Find him online at or on Instagram @mromg 

Photography: @imagegod

The post Resistance Band Full-Body Workout appeared first on MensFitness.

Best Resistance Bands With Handles Wed, 24 May 2023 08:30:16 +0000 Using resistance bands with handles lets you add dynamism and intensity to your strength training sessions…

The post Best Resistance Bands With Handles appeared first on MensFitness.

Get to grips with the best resistance bands with handles for locked-on strength gains at home…

Resistance bands are enjoying a renaissance due to their low-cost portability. There’s also virtually no end to the number of strength training exercises you can perform with bands – from the comfort of your own home.

Whereas resistance bands were traditionally just that – bands or strips of material (usually rubber) that provide varied resistance – now resistance bands with handles are becoming increasingly popular.

With resistance bands with handles – often called ‘resistance tubes’ – you can perform most of the exercises you can with regular bands. But by being able to gain better leverage, you can exert greater force and get a more intense workout.

While bands like the Amazon Basics TPE Resistance Band set are one of the cheapest pieces of kit for resistance exercises, they are open ended and can be difficult to maintain a good grip on the ends for certain exercises. Others, like the Eono Fabric Resistance Bands, are looped bands and ideal for leg exercises, but their length can be limiting in terms of the range of resistance exercises you can perform.

Advantages of resistance bands with handles

The best resistance bands with handles are ideal for more intense sessions where you want a firmer grip on the band and require a large range of motion. They tend to have a greater resistance than simple bands.

Handles also allow you to anchor one end of the band for a greater range of exercises. Some even come with interchangeable ends, so you can swap from a handle to a door anchor, or maybe a leg strap to increase your exercise options.

Looking for inspiration? Check out the best resistance band exercises

Disadvantages of resistance bands with handles

Resistance bands with handles typically have narrower bands or tubes than regular resistance bands. So if they rub against your skin they tend to exert greater pressure, and can cause red marks and discomfort.

Although they’re less likely to snap than regular bands, they can do so with greater force. So always check for small tears before you start your workout.

Build muscle and strength with this resistance band full-body workout

Best resistance bands with handles 2023

(Keep scrolling for full reviews)

  1. Best for guided workouts: Gorilla Bow Travel (from $248.99 / £199.99)
  2. Best for core and rotation: TRX RIP Trainer ($189.95 / £159.95)
  3. Best for beginners: TRX Bandit ($49.95 / £69.95)
  4. Best system on a budget: My Protein 11-Piece Band Set ($64 / £50)
  5. Best for core and rotation: Gymproluxe Band Bar Set (from £104.95 / international shipping available)

Product shot of a disassembled Gorilla Bow TravelBest resistance band with handles

Gorilla Bow Travel


From $248.99 / £199.99,

Versatility: 4/5
Band quality: 4/5
Resistance range: 5/5
OVERALL: 4.5/5

Resistance: Up to 350lb (158.8kg) | Colours: Black with coloured bands | Number of bands: 9 or 11 | Features: 3-piece bow / simultaneous band use / carry case

The Gorilla Bow Travel is a one-stop shop for improving full-body fitness. With two different sets available offering 9 or 11 bands and up to 330lb (149.7kg) or 350lb (158.8kg) of resistance respectively, you can get in a highly effective workout and start making significant strength and endurance gains.

You can load the bow with anything from one to four bands. Not only does that give you four resistance strengths when you use one band at a time, you can also use multiple bands simultaneously to layer resistance. So it’s an ideal system for quickly dropping the weight when you fatigue – perfect for drop sets.

The Gorilla Bow is one of the bulkiest and most commanding of all our fitness band systems at 55in (140cm) tall when assembled. It detaches into three elements, though, so fits easily in a large bag or small suitcase.

Read our full Gorilla Bow Travel review

Product shot of the Gymproluxe bar band set

Gymproluxe Band Bar Set


From £104.95, (international shipping available)

Versatility: 4/5
Band quality: 5/5
Resistance range: 4/5
OVERALL: 4.5/5

Resistance: 26-80lb (11.8-36.3kg) / 35-105lb (15.9-47.6kg) / 52-153lb (23.6-69.4kg) / 66-198lb (29.9-89.8kg) / 88-264lb (39.9-119.8kg) | Material: Latex | Colours: Black with multicoloured bands | Number of bands: 5 sets of 3 available

The Gymproluxe Band Bar Set comes in five flavours, each giving you three resistance bands. The medium set cover a range from 35-105lb (15.9-47.6kg), and it’s also available one lighter and three heavier options covering a total range of 26-264lb (11.8-119.8kg). That’s an impressive range of resistances to choose from.

Load up the bands and you have three levels of resistance in one convenient, lightweight belt. You can release individual bands to drop the weight by increments of three. Presses, rows, curls and flyers are all easy to perform whether standing up or lying down, so you can smash out a decent workout pretty much anywhere.

It also incorporates a bar for some of the best chest training we’ve experienced from a band system.

Read our full Gymproluxe Band Bar Set review

Product shot of a TRX resistance band

TRX Bandit Resistance Band Kit


$49.95 / £69.95,

Versatility: 4/5
Band quality: 4.5/5
Resistance range: 3.5/5

Resistance: 5lb (2.3kg) to 60lb (27.2kg) | Colours: Black and yellow | Number of bands: 5 | Features: Six-year guarantee / compatible with other TRX bands

The TRX Bandit Resistance Band Kit is a simple but durable system that gives you a tension range between 5lb and 60lb (2.3kg and 27.3kg). Just slip one or two light or medium bands into each handle and away you go.

As you progress there’s also the option to insert heavier TRX bands, while can be bought separately for around £20. It’s more versatile than larger, pricier options like the Gorilla Bow Travel as its handles can be oriented for a neutral grip for hammer curls or you can supinate for a bicep curl just by twisting your wrist.

While it won’t be for anyone looking to put on serious mass, the Bandit can still help most people get a tough, muscle-building workout in higher rep ranges.

Read our full TRX Bandit Resistance Band Kit review

Check out our full roundup of the best resistance bands

Product shot of Myprotein 11-piece band set

Myprotein 11-Piece Band Set


$64 / £50,

Versatility: 4.5/5
Band quality: 4/5
Resistance range: 3.5/5

Resistance: 10lb (4.5kg), 20lb (9.1kg), 30lb (13.6kg), 40lb (18.1kg), 50lb (22.7kg) | Colours: Black | Number of bands: 5 | Features: Leg straps / door anchor

The Myprotein 11-Piece Band Set is big on bands and value, shipping with five tube bands, two handles, two leg straps and a door anchor, as well as a breathable net bag. You’ll be hard-pressed to find a better set of bands with plenty of room for beginners to develop.

The five different coloured bands range from 10lb (4.5kg) to 50lb (22.7kg) in resistance. Each end has a carabiner (clamp), which can latch onto either a handle, a leg strap or the door anchor. With the leg strap around your ankle, it’s useful for abductor, adductor and glute exercises, and with the handles on both sides, you’ve got shoulder and chest presses covered.

The MyProtein 11-Piece Band Set maxes out at 50lb (22.7kg) so doesn’t offer as high resistance as much of the competition. But if you’re looking constant tension and high rep range conditioning, its five bands work a treat – and can be doubled up for extra resistance.

Read our full Myprotein 11-Piece Band Set review

Product shot of TRX RIP Trainer

TRX RIP Trainer


$189.95 / £159.95,

Versatility: 4/5
Band quality: 5/5
Resistance range: 3/5

Resistance: 20lb (9kg) – 15lb (7kg), 25lb (11kg), 38lb (17kg) and 50lb (23kg) are optional extras | Colours: Black and yellow | Features: Door anchor / carabiner / six-year guarantee

This core annihilator in disguise turns traditional moves into asymmetric exercises. In doing so it focuses the resistance on one side of your body, forcing you to compensate and develop muscles you’d usually work with pilates or other core-focused training.

Like most TRX kit, the RIP Trainer is covered by a six-year warranty and comes with a 20lb (9kg) medium chord. You’re not stuck with that, though as light (15lb / 7kg), heavy (25lb / 11kg), extra-heavy (38lb / 17kg) and XX-heavy (50lb / 23kg) cords are available separately at around £15 each.

The included door anchor and carabiner give you options to use it indoors and out. Just bear in mind the system requires a few clear square meters in all directions.

Read our full TRX RIP Trainer review


  1. Best dumbbells for home workouts
  2. Best adjustable dumbbells
  3. Resistance band legs workout

The post Best Resistance Bands With Handles appeared first on MensFitness.

Resistance Band Triceps Workout Wed, 24 May 2023 07:59:08 +0000 This resistance band triceps workout will build both muscle and strength in your upper arms

The post Resistance Band Triceps Workout appeared first on MensFitness.

The post Resistance Band Triceps Workout appeared first on MensFitness.

Resistance Band Upper-Body Workout Wed, 17 May 2023 07:00:04 +0000 Work your chest, back, shoulders, arms and core with this banded workout

The post Resistance Band Upper-Body Workout   appeared first on MensFitness.

Work your chest, back, shoulders, arms and core with this resistance band upper-body workout from PT Diego Carrete

Resistance bands have gained a reputation as rehab tools, but they’re much more than that, as this upper-body workout demonstrates.

Get kitted out with the best resistance bands

Try the TRX Bandit Resistance Band Kit


$49.95 / £69.95 /

Lifting weights uses mechanical tension – where muscles contract strongly when heavily loaded – to build muscle. However, metabolic stress, when the muscle is worked hard for a long time – such as with resistance bands – is equally effective.

Resistance bands are cheaper, lighter, safer and more portable than dumbbells. They’re just as good at targeting specific muscle groups, too.

While there are plenty of resistance band exercises for full-body workouts, this session is aimed at just the upper body – incorporating exercises like rows, shoulder presses, curls and raises for the ultimate upper-body burn.

Related content:

  1. Best resistance band exercises
  2. Best resistance bands with handles
  3. How to use resistance bands

How to do this resistance band upper-body workout:

Perform each exercise for the time stated. Complete the designated number of sets, with minimal rest between sets. Be sure to note the maximum rest between exercises and try to move between exercises in the same superset with minimal rest.

1. Staggered Band Row
2. Band Shoulder Press
3. Band Flye
4a. Band Lateral Raise
4b. Band Front Raise
5. Band Curl
6a. Triceps Band Extension
6b. Triceps Band Kickback
7. Band Face Pull 

Keep reading for full instructions on how to perform each exercise in this resistance band upper-body workout…

Man performing start of staggered band row - restistance band upper body workoutMan performing end of staggered band row - resistance band upper body workout
1. Staggered Band Row 

Time: 45 secs
Rest: 45 secs
Sets: 4

How to do a staggered band row:

  • Assume a staggered stance with the band looped under your front foot, and a slight bend in your back knee. 
  • Hinge at the hips to lean forward, grasping hold of each end of the band.  
  • From this position, with braced core, row each side of the band up to your hips. 
  • Lower with control.

Man performing restistance band shoulder press - resistance band upper body workoutMan performing end of band shoulder press - resistance band upper body workout
2. Band Shoulder Press

Time: 45 secs
Rest: 45 secs
Sets: 4

How to do a band shoulder press:

  • Stand in the middle of the band. 
  • Grab the other end with both hands and bring it to shoulder height. 
  • Screw your heels to the floor and brace your abs, then press the band directly overhead. 
  • Lower with control. 

After completing this resistance band upper-body workout, check out the best stretching exercises

Man performing start of chest band flye - resistance band upper body workoutan performing end of chest band flye - resistance band upper body workout
3. Band Flye

Time: 45 secs
Rest: 45 secs
Sets: 3

How to do a band flye:

  • Loop the middle of the band around a fixed object. 
  • Grab both ends and face away from the anchor point. 
  • Standing tall, bring your arms out the sides and arc your hands in to meet in the middle – in front of your chest. 
  • Squeeze your pecs in the middle, then arc back with control. 

Man performing start of band lateral raise - resistance band upper body workoutMan performing end of band lateral raise - resistance band upper body workout
4a. Band Lateral Raise 

Time: 30 secs
Rest: Go straight into 4b

How to do a band lateral raise:

  • Stand in the middle of the band. 
  • Grab both ends and stand tall.  
  • Raise each end of the band out to the sides, stopping at just above shoulder height.  
  • Return and repeat.

Roll out your muscles after this resistance band upper-body workout with the best foam roller moves

Man performing start of band front raiseMan performing end of band front raise - resistance band upper body workout
4b. Band Front Raise

Time: 30 secs
Rest: 45 secs, then repeat 4a
Sets: 3

How to do a band front raise:

  • Stand in the middle of the band.
  • Grab both ends and stand tall.  
  • With straight arms, raise the band directly out in front, stopping just above shoulder height.  
  • Return and repeat.

Man performing start of band curl Man performing end of band curl - resistance band upper body workout
5. Band Curl

Time: 45 secs
Rest: 45 secs
Sets: 3

How to do a band curl:

  • Stand in the middle of the band. 
  • Grab both ends and stand tall.  
  • With palms facing away from you, keep your upper arms fixed in place, just bending your elbows to curl the band up to around shoulder height. 
  • Contract your biceps at the top of the move, then lower with control.

After this upper-body workout, try our resistance band legs workout

Man performing start of triceps band extension Man performing end of triceps band extension - resistance band upper body workout
6a. Triceps Band Extension

Time: 30 secs
Rest: Go straight into 6b 

How to do a triceps band extension:

  • Loop the middle of the band around a fixed object on the floor – the legs of a bench work well. 
  • Facing away from the anchor point, hold the band with one hand at shoulder height.  
  • Extend the band overhead. 
  • Fix your upper arm in place and bend at the elbow to lower the band back behind your head.  
  • Lower as far as you can go with that upper arm fixed, then return the band overhead. 

Man performing start of triceps band kickbackMan performing end of triceps band kickback
6b. Triceps Band Kickback 

Time: 30 secs
Rest: 45 secs, then repeat 6a
Sets: 3

How to do a triceps band kickback:

  • Loop the middle of the band around a fixed object on the floor. 
  • Hinge from the hips and grab the band with one hand.  
  • Keeping your upper arm fixed in place, bend at the elbow to bring the band back behind your torso. 
  • Flex your triceps at the top of the movement, then reverse with control.

Extend your upper body workout with this resistance band arms workout

Man performing band face pull -
7. Band Face Pull 

Time: 45 secs
Rest: 45 secs
Sets: 3 

How to do a band face pull:

  • Loop the middle of the band around a fixed object. 
  • Stand facing the anchor point and grab both ends of the band. 
  • Flare your elbows out to the sides to bring the ends of the band up to your ears – you should feel this in your upper back.  

The post Resistance Band Upper-Body Workout   appeared first on MensFitness.

Resistance Band Exercises For Leg Workouts Wed, 17 May 2023 05:00:16 +0000 Keep a band in your bag and you can perform this resistance band legs workout any time, any place

The post Resistance Band Exercises For Leg Workouts appeared first on MensFitness.

Keep a band in your bag to perform this leg workout any time, any place

This round-up of the best resistance band exercises for legs are suggested by personal trainer, running coach, fitness consultant and co-founder of Track Life Ldn, Omar Mansour.

Get kitted out with the best resistance bands

Try the TRX Bandit Resistance Band Kit


$49.95 / £69.95 /

How to do these resistance band leg exercises…

Mansour recommends choosing a band that creates a good amount of resistance in each exercise, but one you can control through the movements. Perform each exercise as below:

Reps: 30-45 secs
Sets: 4
Rest: 60 secs

Related content:

  1. Check out the best resistance bands with handles
  2. Discover the best resistance band exercises
  3. Try this resistance band upper-body workout

Best resistance band exercises for leg workouts

1. Resistance Band Front Squat
2. Resistance Band Reverse Lunge
3. Resistance Band Good Morning
4. Resistance Band Kickback
5. Resistance Band Side Step

Keep reading for full exercise instructions…

Before completing these leg exercises, try this resistance band warm up routine

Man performing a banded squat - resistance band leg exercisesMan performing end of a banded squat

Resistance Band Front Squat  

  • Stand on the band with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Rack the band under your chin, palms facing the sky and elbows facing forward.  
  • Push your hips back and bend your knees, performing a front squat while keeping your elbows high throughout and your weight over your heels.

Man performing a banded reverse lunge - resistance band leg exercisesMan performing end of a banded reverse lunge
Resistance Band Reverse Lunge 

  • While standing, loop the resistance band around your right foot and around your neck.
  • Keeping your upper body tall, step backward with your left foot and lower your body until both knees are bent at least 90 degrees.
  • Push yourself back to starting position.

After completing this leg workout, try these resistance band triceps exercises

Man performing a banded Romanian deadlift- resistance band leg exercisesMan performing end of a banded Romanian deadlift -
Resistance Band Good Morning

  • Loop a resistance band around your neck, allowing the band to rest on the top of your shoulders. Loop the other end of the band under your feet to create tension. Start with a very slight bend in your knees.
  • Roll your shoulders back, drawing your shoulder blades toward your spine to engage your upper back. Your shoulders should remain pulled back like this throughout the exercise.
  • Push your hips back as your torso naturally begins to lean forward toward the floor, keeping your legs relatively straight.
  • Once your torso is horizontal, squeeze your glutes forward and return to the standing position.  

Man performing a banded kickback - resistance band leg exercisesMan performing end of a banded kickback -
Resistance Band Kickback

  • Start on your hands and knees. Have one end of the band evenly distributed under both hands. Loop the other end of the band around the sole of your foot.
  • Keep the hips square and core engaged as you extend your leg back.  
  • Return to the start.
  • Repeat with the other foot.

After completing these leg exercises, try this resistance band full-body workout

Man performing banded side steps - resistance band leg exercisesMan performing banded side steps -
Resistance Band Side Step

  • Place your feet slightly apart from each other, looping one end of the resistance band underneath your feet and holding onto the other end. Form an X-shape by crossing the band in the middle.
  • Pull the band upwards to increase the tension.
  • Take small side steps one way, then the other.

Enjoyed these resistance band exercises for leg workouts? Check out this dumbbell leg workout

The post Resistance Band Exercises For Leg Workouts appeared first on MensFitness.

Best Resistance Band Exercises For Every Body Part Mon, 08 May 2023 08:00:02 +0000 Get ready to build full-body muscle and strength from home with our guide to the best resistance band exercises to add to your workouts

The post Best Resistance Band Exercises For Every Body Part appeared first on MensFitness.

Build full-body muscle from home with our guide to the best resistance band exercises…

Resistance bands are often dismissed as little more than warm-up or rehab tools, but when you know how to use them properly, they quickly become valuable additions to your strength training arsenal. Before getting started, it’s crucial to get clued up on the best resistance band exercises for every body part, so you can get the most out of your workouts.

Get kitted out with the best resistance bands in 2023

Try the TRX RIP Trainer


$189.95 / £159.95 /

“Resistance bands offer a flexible and affordable introduction into resistance training,” says coach and Reflo ambassador David Birtwistle. “They can be excellent tools for developing strength if you don’t have a wealth of weights at your disposal.”

Build muscle and strength with this resistance band full-body workout

In the gym, you can add bands to weighted lifts like the bench press or deadlift to apply greater resistance throughout the movement. But if you’re working out from home, one decent set of bands is enough to get an effective full-body workout in.

How to do resistance band exercises 

Check out our full guide on how to use resistance bands

Strength coach Jack Hanrahan’s dos and don’ts for resistance band training…

  • Start light – Find the appropriate band; start with a lighter resistance band and only progress when you can perform the exercise through a full range of motion.
  • Slow down – Perform at a slow controlled tempo so the band isn’t jerking you around and it doesn’t whip you back.
  • Stay secure – Anchor the band to something secure, like a fixed park bench or thin tree – not a curtain rail.
  • Grip strong – Use a strong grip and anchor the band under the middle of your foot.

Related content:

  1. Best dumbbell exercises for every body part
  2. Best shoulder stretches
  3. Best stretching exercises for beginners

Best resistance band exercises for upper body

man demonstrating step one of resistance band deadlift; he is bent over at the hips, knees slightly bent, holding a resistance band that is wrapped around his feet; he wears a black fitness vest, black shorts and trainers man demonstrating step two of band deadlift; he is standing up straight, holding a band that is wrapped around his feet; he wears a black fitness vest, black shorts and trainers

Resistance band deadlift

Target areas: Lower back, hamstrings

How to do a resistance band deadlift:

  • Stand on the band with your feet close together.
  • Grip the ends of the band.
  • Now, take a deep breath and stand up straight.
  • To initiate the movement, reach the hips back, tilting your tailbone up and keeping your lower back flat.
  • Push your feet into the floor, drive your hips forward, and squeeze your glutes to transition back to standing.

Looking for budget-friendly kit? Try the Amazon Basics TPE Resistance Band Set


£8.84 / (not available in the US)

man demonstrating step one of resistance band lateral raise; standing up straight, a resistance band is held under one foot; he holds the resistance band at hip height with the opposite hand; he wears a black fitness vest, black shorts and trainers man demonstrating step two of band lateral raise; standing up straight, a band is held under one foot; holding the band with the opposite hand, he extends his arm straight out to the side until it reaches shoulder height; he wears a black fitness vest, black shorts and trainers

Resistance band lateral raise

Target areas: Delts

How to do a resistance band lateral raise:

  • Stand tall and anchor one end of a long band under your foot.
  • Grab the other end with your opposite hand.
  • Brace your core and raise the band out to the side, taking it to shoulder height.
  • Lower with control, but don’t let the band pass the line of your hips to maintain muscle tension.
man demonstrating step one of resistance band kneeling shoulder press; kneeling, a resistance band is held under his legs; he holds the resistance band at shoulder height; he wears a black fitness vest, black shorts and trainers man demonstrating step two of resistance band kneeling shoulder press; kneeling, a band is held under his legs; holding the band in both hands, he extends his arms straight above his head; he wears a black fitness vest, black shorts and trainers

Resistance band kneeling shoulder press

Target areas: Shoulders, core

How to do a kneeling shoulder press:

  • To start, take a shoulder-width grip of the band.
  • Next, hold tight with the band in contact with the heels of your hands.
  • Throughout the exercise, your elbows should be directly under your hands.
  • Then, press the band overhead and lock your elbows.
  • Finally, pull the band back down, keeping your elbows tucked in.
man demonstrating step one of resistance band bent over row; he is bent over at the hips, knees slightly bent, holding a resistance band that is wrapped around his feet; he wears a black fitness vest, black shorts and trainers man demonstrating step two of resistance band bent over row; he is bent over at the hips, knees slightly bent, pulling up on a band that is wrapped around his feet; he wears a black fitness vest, black shorts and trainers

Resistance band bent-over row

Target areas: Back, biceps

How to do a bent-over row:

  • Firstly, stand in the middle of a long band.
  • Then, hinge at the hips to bend over and hold onto both ends.
  • Now row each end to your hips.
  • Squeeze your lats at the top of the movement, then lower with control.
man demonstrating step one of seated face pull; seated with knees bent, he holds a secured resistance band; his arms are straight, outstretched in front of him; he wears a black fitness vest, black shorts and trainers man demonstrating step two of seated face pull; seated with knees bent, he holds a secured band; his arms are bent as he pull the band towards his chest; he wears a black fitness vest, black shorts and trainers

Resistance band seated face pull

Target areas: Upper back

How to do a seated face pull:

  • You’ll need an anchor point again for this one.
  • Loop the band around it and take a seat a foot or two away.
  • Now grab hold of both ends of the band and pull it towards your head, keeping a straight back and strong core.
  • As you pull, flare your elbows out to the sides – you should feel this move in your lats.
man demonstrating step one of press up; in a plank position, the resistance band passes over his back to be held by each hand on the floor; he wears a black fitness vest, black shorts and trainers man demonstrating step two of press up; with the band passing over his back to be held by each hand on the floor, he bends his arms to lower his body towards the floor; he wears a black fitness vest, black shorts and trainers

Resistance band press-up

Target areas: Chest, core, shoulders

How to do a resistance band press-up:

  • From kneeling, grab your resistance band and bring it around your upper back.
  • Then, loop each end around your palms, then get into a press-up position.
  • Press the heels of your hands into the floor and brace your abs.
  • Now, descend into a press-up, then explosively drive back up.

Give these exercises your best shot in our resistance band upper-body workout

man demonstrating step one of resistance band front raise; standing up straight, he is holding a resistance band that is wrapped under one foot in one hand; he wears a black fitness vest, black shorts and trainers man demonstrating step two of resistance band front raise; standing up straight, he is holding a band that is wrapped under one foot in one hand; keeping the arm straight, he lifts and extends his arm up until it is level with his shoulder; he wears a black fitness vest, black shorts and trainers

Resistance band single-arm front raise

Target areas: Delts

How to do a single-arm front raise:

  • Firstly, loop one end of a long band under your foot.
  • Stand tall and hold onto the other end with the hand on the same side.
  • Next, brace your core and, with a straight arm, raise the band in front of you until it reaches shoulder height.
  • Lower with control.
man demonstrating step one of resistance band biceps curl; standing up straight, he is holding a resistance band that is wrapped under one foot; he wears a black fitness vest, black shorts and trainers man demonstrating step two of resistance band biceps curl; standing up straight, he is pulling up a band that is wrapped under one foot; he wears a black fitness vest, black shorts and trainers

Resistance band biceps curl

Target areas: Biceps, core

How to do a resistance band biceps curl:

  • Loop the band under your feet.
  • Next, grip the other end of the band with hands at shoulder-width apart.
  • Hold the band with arms extended.
  • Then, curl the band up to chest height, squeezing your biceps at the top.
  • Lower with control.
man demonstrating step one of upright row; he stands upright, both hands holding a resistance band that is secured under his feet; he wears a black fitness vest, black shorts and trainers man demonstrating step two of upright row; he stands upright, both hands holding a band that is secured under his feet; he pulls up on the band until level with his shoulders; he wears a black fitness vest, black shorts and trainers

Resistance band upright row 

Target areas: Shoulders, core

How to do a resistance band upright row:

  • Stand tall, with the middle of a long band positioned under your feet.
  • Hold onto the free side of the band, with hands shoulder-width apart.
  • Then, raise the band to around neck height, by leading with your elbows and bringing them as high as you can.
  • Lower and repeat.
man demonstrating step one ofreverse fly; standing up straight, he holds a resistance band out in front of him in both hands, shoulder width apart; he wears a black fitness vest, black shorts and trainers man demonstrating step two of reverse fly; standing up straight, he holds a band in both hands, he stretches his arms outwards as far as possible; he wears a black fitness vest, black shorts and trainers

Resistance band pull-apart

Target areas: Upper back

How to do a resistance band pull-apart:

  • Stand holding a band with hands shoulder-width apart.
  • Raise the band to shoulder height, with arms extended.
  • Now pull the band horizontally across your chest.
  • Then, pull as far as you can, feeling the squeeze in your upper back.
  • Pause for a second in the pulled position, with retracted shoulder blades, then return to arms out front.
man demonstrating step one of lying chest press; laying on his back with bent knees, the resistance band is passed under his back; his arms are bent as each hand holds one end of the resistance band; he wears a black fitness vest, black shorts and trainers man demonstrating step two of lying chest press; laying on his back with bent knees, the band is passed under his back; holding one end of the resistance band in each hand, he extends his arms up towards the ceiling; he wears a black fitness vest, black shorts and trainers

Resistance band lying chest press 

Target areas: Chest

How to do a lying chest press:

  • From sitting, bring the band around your upper back and hold onto each end.
  • Lie down with knees bent.
  • Now, initiate the movement by pressing the band directly over your chest – feeling the squeeze in your pecs.
  • Then, pause for a second at the top of the movement, then lower until your triceps lightly touch the floor.
man demonstrating step one of single arm triceps extension; standing tall, his arm reaches behind his head to hold a resistance band that's held under one foot; his arm is bent; he wears a black fitness vest, black shorts and trainers man demonstrating step two of single arm triceps extension; standing tall, his arm reaches behind his head to hold a band that's held under one foot; his arm straightens as he pulls the band and reaches up; he wears a black fitness vest, black shorts and trainers

Resistance band single-arm triceps extension

Target areas: Triceps

How to do single-arm triceps extensions:

  • From standing, loop one end of a long band around your foot.
  • Next, squat down to grab the other end and bring it to shoulder height.
  • Now bring it around your head, so you’re holding it with a bent elbow behind your head at around shoulder height.
  • Press the band directly overhead, keeping your elbow fixed in one place.

Best resistance band exercises for lower body

man demonstrating step one of resistance band front squat; standing up straight, he is holding a resistance band that is wrapped under both feet in two hands, holding it level with his shoulders; he wears a black fitness vest, black shorts and trainers man demonstrating step two of resistance band front squat; he bends his knees to 90 degree angles in a squat position; he is holding a band that is wrapped under both feet in two hands, level with his shoulders; he wears a black fitness vest, black shorts and trainers

Resistance band front squat

Target areas: Quads, glutes, core

How to do a resistance band front squat:

  • Firstly, loop one end of the band around the base of your feet.
  • Cross your hip crease with the middle of the band.
  • Next, loop the other end over your shoulders.
  • Squat down with control, keeping core braced and shoulders retracted.
  • Drive through your heels, raise and tuck your hips.
man demonstrating step one of lateral step out; in a squat position, his knees are bent to a 90 degree angle with a resistance band wrapped around them; his arms are bent and hands adjoined at chest height; he wears a black fitness vest, black shorts and trainers man demonstrating step two of lateral step out; in a squat position, his knees are bent to a 90 degree angle with a band wrapped around them; his arms are bent and hands adjoined at chest height; he steps out to the side so his legs are wider apart; he wears a black fitness vest, black shorts and trainers

Resistance band lateral step-out squat 

Target areas: Quads, glutes

How to do a lateral step-out squat:

  • Start by looping a short band around both knees.
  • Now squat until your quads are parallel to the floor, keeping your chest up and back straight.
  • Maintaining this squat, step out to the side so the band tightens.
  • Now step back to the middle and repeat to the other side.

Put these exercises to the test with the best resistance band legs workout

man demonstrating step one of resistance band single-leg romanian deadlift; he bends over at the hips, holding a resistance band which is under his foot; his other leg is bent and positioned behind him; he wears a black fitness vest, black shorts and trainers man demonstrating step two of resistance band single-leg romanian deadlift; he stands straight, holding a band which is being held under his foot; his other leg is relaxed and positioned behind him; he wears a black fitness vest, black shorts and trainers

Resistance band single-leg deadlift

Target areas: Hamstrings, core, balance, proprioception

How to do a single-leg deadlift:

  • Stand on one end of a resistance band and grab the other with the opposite hand.
  • Next, hover your free foot off the floor and keep a very slight bend in your front knee.
  • Now hinge at the hips and raise your free foot behind you, lowering the band until your torso is parallel to the floor.
  • Return to standing.
man demonstrating step one of split squat; legs apart, he holds a resistance band under his front foot and around the back of his neck; his hands support the band in the middle; his arm is bent; he wears a black fitness vest, black shorts and trainers man demonstrating step two of split squat; bending down into a lunge position, he holds a band under his front foot and around the back of his neck; his hands support the band in the middle; his arm is bent; he wears a black fitness vest, black shorts and trainers

Resistance band split squat

Target areas: Glutes, hamstrings, quads

How to do a resistance band split squat:

  • Firstly, loop one end of a long band around your front foot and the other around your upper back.
  • Step your free foot back and raise your heel off the floor.
  • With your weight slightly over your front leg, bend both knees to 90 degrees.
  • Now, drive through your front heel to return to standing.

Read more articles on resistance band training

Best resistance band core exercises

man demonstrating step one of side plank high pull; in a side plank position, his top hand holds a resistance band that is secured under his bottom hand on the floor; he wears a black fitness vest, black shorts and trainersman demonstrating step two of side plank high pull; in a side plank position, his top hand holds a band that is secured under his bottom hand on the floor; his top arm is bent as he pulls the band upwards; he wears a black fitness vest, black shorts and trainers

Resistance band side plank high pull

Target areas: Core, shoulders

How to do a side plank high pull:

  • Firstly, assume a high side plank position: feet stacked, bottom arm extended, torso in a straight line from shoulders to hips.
  • Then, position one end of a band under your planted hand and hold onto the other end with your free hand.
  • The starting position is with top elbow bend, band loose.
  • Initiate the movement by raising your elbow and pulling the band tight.
  • Now, pull as far as possible, while maintaining your form in the high side plank position.
man demonstrating step one of plank row; in a plank position, one arm reaches out holding a secured resistance band; he wears a black fitness vest, black shorts and trainers man demonstrating step two of plank row; in a plank position, one hand holds a secured band; he pulls the band in towards his chest; he wears a black fitness vest, black shorts and trainers

Resistance band plank row

Target areas: Core, lats

How to do a resistance band plank row:

  • You’ll need an anchor point for this one – either a pole or willing training partner.
  • Loop one end of the band around the anchor point.
  • Now get into a high plank/press-up position, a couple of feet away from the anchor.
  • Maintaining the high plank, reach one hand out and grab the end of the band.
  • Then, keep your core braced as you pull the band towards your hip.
  • Release and repeat.
  • Do all reps on one side, then switch.
man demonstrating step one of russian twist; sitting down with knees bent, he holds a secured resistance band in his hands in front of his chest; he wears a black fitness vest, black shorts and trainers man demonstrating step two of russian twist; sitting down with knees bent, he holds a secured band in his hands in front of his chest; he turns his body to one side; he wears a black fitness vest, black shorts and trainers

Resistance band Russian twist

Target areas: Core

How to do a resistance band Russian twist:

  • Firstly, loop the band around a fixed anchor point.
  • Then, grab the end of the band and bring it over your head, holding it at chest height.
  • Lean back slightly and twist your torso to one side with control, then the other.
  • You can also make it harder by lifting your feet off the floor slightly.

Try out some of the best resistance band exercises and more in our full-body resistance band warm-up routine

The post Best Resistance Band Exercises For Every Body Part appeared first on MensFitness.

Best Resistance Bands 2023 Mon, 08 May 2023 07:00:57 +0000 From simple rubber bands to complex full-body exercise systems, these are the best resistance bands for strength training and home workouts

The post Best Resistance Bands 2023 appeared first on MensFitness.

From simple rubber bands to complex full-body systems, these are the best resistance bands for strength training and home workouts…

Resistance bands have become a staple in many homes and gyms. They’re portable and lightweight, don’t take up too much space, and – if you know what to do with them – can help you get an excellent resistance workout without spending big bucks on kit.

Get to grips with the best bands with handles

If you thought all resistance bands were created equal, though, you may be surprised by what’s out there. From cheap and cheerful traditional options like the Amazon Basics TPE Resistance Band set, to pricey powerhouse systems like TRX’s RIP Trainer or the Gorilla Bow Travel, whatever your need there’s probably a resistance band that can scratch your particular itch.

Looking for inspiration? Check out the best band exercises

There are two main categories of bands: simple resistance bands and resistance band systems. Simple bands are usually thin sheets of stretchy material, typically made of latex, silicone, synthetic rubber or TPE, though can be made of fabric – a popular material for thigh and bum-focused bands. These require a bit of imagination if you want a full body workout, with light bands great for getting the blood pumping, and heavier options supplementing dumbbells and bars. They can also be used as pull-up assists.

Resistance band systems are incredibly varied. They feature an element in addition to the bands to help take training to the next level, be it a simple handle, as found in the TRX Bandit resistance band kit, or a large bar-type element. The Gymproluxe Band Bar Set, for example, combines heavy bands with a bar, which greatly simplifies chest press and bent-over row type exercises.


  1. Resistance band full-body workout
  2. Best adjustable dumbbells
  3. Resistance band legs workout

What makes a good resistance band?

Rather than asking what makes a good resistance band, you should be asking what makes a good resistance band for you.

Most bands on the market serve a purpose, with lightweight options being great for stretches and basic resistance training, and more heavyweight options being better for muscle building. Standard bands are generally more portable, while systems take up more space.

From a safety point of view, a good band is one that won’t snap. You should always check that your band doesn’t have any micro tears in it before you start working out. Imagine being flicked with the biggest elastic band by the most brutish bully in school – if a resistance band snaps mid-workout, it won’t be pretty.

By their nature, bands also have variable resistance. Often their resistance is measured by two corresponding weights – 5-10lb (2.3-4.5kg), for example. The first weight measurement – 5lb – is the band at 50% tension. The second weight – 10lb – is the band at 100% tension. Bands usually hit 100% when stretched to double their starting length.

If you have shorter limbs and want maximum tension, you shouldn’t opt for really long bands as it may be tough to hit that 100% resistance. Likewise, tall people shouldn’t opt for bands that are too short, as they might hit full tension too soon, preventing them from being able to get a full range of motion when training.

Once you decide what you need from your band – one that is travel-friendly, easy to use, comes with training videos etc – then you can pinpoint what makes a good band for your training needs.

Best Resistance Bands 2023

(Keep scrolling for full reviews)

  1. Best for seasoned trainers: Mirafit Resistance Band Set (£74.95 / not available in the US)
  2. Best for chest training: Gymproluxe Band Bar Set (from £104.95 / international shipping available)
  3. Best for guided workouts: Gorilla Bow Travel (from $248.99 / £199.99)
  4. Best for core and rotation: TRX RIP Trainer ($189.95 / £159.95)
  5. Best for beginners: TRX Bandit ($49.95 / £69.95)
  6. Best system on a budget: My Protein 11-Piece Band Set ($64 / £50)
  7. Best for travel: Myprotein Two Band Set ($36 / £27)
  8. Best for quad training: Eono Fabric Resistance Bands (£14.99 / not available in the US)
  9. Best for stretching: Amazon Basics TPE Resistance Bands (£8.84 / not available in the US)
Mirafit Resistance Band Set

Best for experienced lifters

Mirafit Resistance Bands Set


£74.95 / (not available in the US)

Versatility: 4.5/5
Band quality: 4/5
Resistance range: 5/5
OVERALL: 4.5/5

Resistance: 15-230lb (6.8-104.3kg) | Material: 100% natural latex | Colours: Grey / orange / black | Number of bands: 6

The Mirafit Resistance Bands Set features six traditional bands with a range perfectly suited for both muscle building and stretching. The bands are made of non-snap, 100% natural latex, and feel seriously robust.

The lighter bands are grey, giving 15-25lb (6.8-11.3kg) and 45-50lb (20.4-22.7kg) of resistance, the two middle bands go from 75-100lb (34-45.3kg) and 100-120lb (45.3-54.4kg) and are orange, while the heaviest bands are black with a range of 120-175lb (54.4-79.4kg) and 175-230lb (79.4-104.3kg).

Novices may need to research how to get the most from the Mirafit Resistance Bands Set, but these bands could liberate you from ever stepping foot in a gym again.

Read our full Mirafit Resistance Bands Set review

Gymproluxe Band Bar Set

Best for chest training

Gymproluxe Band Bar Set


From £104.95 / (international shipping available)

Versatility: 4/5
Band quality: 5/5
Resistance range: 4/5
OVERALL: 4.5/5

Resistance: 26-80lb (11.8-36.3kg) / 35-105lb (15.9-47.6kg) / 52-153lb (23.6-69.4kg) / 66-198lb (29.9-89.8kg) / 88-264lb (39.9-119.8kg) | Material: Latex | Colours: Black with multicoloured bands | Number of bands: 5 sets of 3 available

The Gymproluxe Band Bar Set gives you three levels of resistance in one convenient, lightweight belt. It also incorporates a bar for the best chest training we’ve experienced from a band system.

It’s a clever set-up that covers loads of exercises out of the box, but it’s definitely better suited to upper body training.

There are five choices of band kits, with the lightest offering 26lb (11.8kg), 52lb (23.6kg) and 80lb (36.3kg) of resistance and the heaviest 88lb (39.9kg), 176lb (79.8kg) and 264lb (119.8kg). You can release individual bands to drop the weight by increments of three. Presses, rows, curls and flyers are all easy to access whether standing up or lying down, so you can smash out a decent workout pretty much anywhere.

Read our full Gymproluxe Band Bar Set review

Gorilla Bow Travel

Best for guided workouts

Gorilla Bow Travel


From $248.99 / £199.99 /

Versatility: 4/5
Band quality: 4/5
Resistance range: 5/5
OVERALL: 4.5/5

Resistance: Up to 350lb (158.8kg) | Colours: Black with coloured bands | Number of bands: 9 or 11 | Features: 3-piece bow / simultaneous band use / carry case

If you’re someone who likes the idea of investing in a system that covers full-body fitness, then the Gorilla Bow Travel should float your boat. With two different sets available offering 9 or 11 bands and up to 330lb (149.7kg) or 350lb (158.8kg) or resistance respectively, you can get a highly effective workout in.

You can load the bow with up to four bands, so that means four resistance strengths when you use one band at a time. You can also use multiple bands simultaneously to layer resistance. That means it’s easy to quickly drop the weight when you fatigue – perfect for drop sets.

Roughly 55in (140cm) tall when assembled, the Gorilla Bow is the most commanding of all our fitness band systems and the bulkiest. In its travel version, though, it detaches into three elements that help it fit easily in a large bag or small suitcase.

Read our full Gorilla Bow Travel review

TRX RIP Trainer; workout pole with resistance band

Best for core and rotation

TRX RIP Trainer


$189.95 / £159.95 /

Versatility: 4/5
Band quality: 5/5
Resistance range: 3/5

Resistance: 20lb (9kg) – 15lb (7kg), 25lb (11kg), 38lb (17kg) and 50lb (23kg) are optional extras | Colours: Black and yellow | Features: Door anchor / carabiner / six-year guarantee

The TRX RIP Trainer is not just a pole with a band on the end, it’s a core annihilator in disguise.

Excellent for turning traditional moves into asymmetric exercises, the TRX focuses the resistance on one side of your body, forcing you to compensate, and in turn develop muscles you’d usually lock into with pilates or other core-focused training.

The TRX RIP Trainer is covered by a six-year warranty and comes with a medium chord, which packs 20lb (9kg) of resistance. Four other cords are available: light (15lb / 7kg); heavy (25lb / 11kg); the extra-heavy (38lb / 17kg); and XX-heavy (50lb / 23kg), each costing around £15.

The included door anchor and carabiner give you options to use it indoors and out, although the system requires a few clear square meters beyond as well as relatively high ceilings.

Read our full TRX RIP Trainer review

TRX Bandit Resistance Band Kit; resistance bands with handles

Best for beginners

TRX Bandit Resistance Band Kit


$49.95 / £69.95 /

Versatility: 4/5
Band quality: 4.5/5
Resistance range: 3.5/5

Resistance: 5lb (2.3kg) to 60lb (27.2kg) | Colours: Black and yellow | Number of bands: 5 | Features: Six-year guarantee / compatible with other TRX bands

The TRX Bandit Resistance Band Kit is incredibly simple, but it’s also very effective and user-friendly, consisting of two light bands and two medium bands, as well as two handles.

Up to two bands can slide into each handle at a time, creating an easy-to-grip resistance band system with up to four resistance strengths. Tension ranges from 5lb (2.3kg, one light band) to 60lbs (27.2kg, two medium bands), and the Bandit handles also work with heavier TRX bands too, which can be bought separately for around £20.

While it won’t be for anyone looking to put on serious mass, the Bandit can still help most people get a tough, muscle-building workout in higher rep ranges.

Read our full TRX Bandit Resistance Band Kit review

Myprotein 11-Piece Band Set; multiple resistance bands in different colours alongside detachable handles

Best system on a budget

Myprotein 11-Piece Band Set


$64 / £50 /

Versatility: 4.5/5
Band quality: 4/5
Resistance range: 3.5/5

Resistance: 10lb (4.5kg), 20lb (9.1kg), 30lb (13.6kg), 40lb (18.1kg), 50lb (22.7kg) | Colours: Black | Number of bands: 5 | Features: Leg straps / door anchor

You’ll be hard-pressed to find a better set of bands for beginners than the MyProtein 11-Piece Band Set. The system is big on bands and value, shipping with five tube bands, two handles, two leg straps and a door anchor, tucked away in a breathable net bag.

The five bands are all different colours and range from 10lb (4.5kg) to 50lb (22.7kg) in resistance. Each end of each band features a carabiner (clamp), which can latch onto either a handle, a leg strap or the door anchor. Use the leg strap around your ankle, and it’s ideal for abductor, adductor and glute exercises, and with the handles on both sides, you’ve got shoulder and chest presses covered.

The MyProtein 11-Piece Band Set isn’t as high resistance as much of the competition, but for constant tension and high rep range conditioning, the five bands – which can be doubled up for extra resistance – work a treat.

Read our full Myprotein 11-Piece Band Set review

Myprotein Resistance Bands; grey rolled up resistance bands

Best for lower body

Myprotein Resistance Bands


$36 / £27 /

Versatility: 4/5
Band quality: 4.5/5
Resistance range: 2/5

Resistance: 50.7lb to 119lb (23kg to 54kg) each | Colours: Dark grey | Number of bands: 2

The Myprotein two-band set is an excellent shout, especially for anyone who wants to amp up their lower-body training. Taught and tough, the bands are also great pull-up aids and can help you lock into larger muscle groups like glutes and lower back.

There’s nothing fancy about the Myprotein Resistance Bands beyond the fact they’re great quality. Unlike the Myprotein 11-Piece Band Set, these two tough cookies won’t be too light for low rep ranges. In fact, if you’re looking for bands to exercise your arms or upper body, these will probably be too high-resistance.

Read our full Myprotein Resistance Bands review

Eono Fabric Resistance Bands; pink, turquoise and blue resistance bands

Best for thigh training

Eono Fabric Resistance Bands


£14.99 / (not available in the US)

Versatility: 3.5/5
Band quality: 4.5/5
Resistance range: 3/5

Resistance: 15lb to 50lb (6.8-22.7kg) | Materials: Polyester, latex | Colours: Pink, cyan, blue | Number of bands: 3 | Features: Carry pouch

The Eono Fabric Resistance Bands are great for passively adding some extra resistance to squats and glute bridges. They serve up versatility with three strengths, and they also offer decent value, working out to roughly £5 each.

As well as being soft and comfortable, they’re also more taught than traditional bands – a standard characteristic of fabric alternatives. This extra tension is good for working out your glutes.

Each band is a 15-inch loop, with the light band being pink, medium being cyan, and heavy being blue. Eono has even sewn in internal grip strips inside the workout bands which help keep them steady and prevent any slipping or rolling during workouts.

Read our full Eono Fabric Resistance Bands review

Amazon Basics TPE Resistance Band Set; orange, green and pink resistance bands

Best for stretching

Amazon Basics TPE Resistance Band Set


£8.84 / (not available in the US)

Versatility: 5/5
Band quality: 3/5
Resistance range: 3/5

Materials: latex-free TPE | Colours: pink, green, orange | Number of bands: 3

The Amazon Basics TPE resistance band set is a no-frills stretching aid for light resistance workouts, injury rehabilitation and increasing blood flow to an area. The set gives you three long, versatile bands for under £10 – pink is heavy resistance, green is medium and orange light.

Amazon doesn’t offer corresponding weight ratings for each band. But, they’re all on the lighter side when compared to the other bands on test.

These aren’t looped either, so will rely on you to grip them in order to create tension, but that actually makes them a bit more versatile for certain two-handed exercises like lat raises, which wouldn’t be possible with a looped band.

Read our full Amazon Basics TPE Resistance Band set review

The post Best Resistance Bands 2023 appeared first on MensFitness.

What Do Resistance Bands Do? Mon, 01 May 2023 07:00:53 +0000 Adaptable, low-risk and great for building strength, warming up and finessing your form

The post What Do Resistance Bands Do? appeared first on MensFitness.

You’ve seen then on Amazon or in fitness stores; you may even have a set yourself. But just what do resistance bands do?

Check out the best resistance band exercises

When it comes to gym equipment, resistance bands are generally overlooked in favour of everything else – particularly free weights and machines. They’re cheap, and often perceived as a tool for beginners.

The reality, though, couldn’t be further from the truth. Adaptable, low-risk and great for building strength, warming up and finessing your form, they can be a valuable piece of equipment, whatever your fitness goals – as long as you know how to use them correctly.


What do resistance bands do?

While the best resistance bands come in different shapes, sizes, tensions and designs, at their core they all perform the same function. Unlike free weights, which vary in tension at different points of a lift, pull or push because of gravity, a resistance band provides a set, consistent amount of tension. That’s however hard or far you stretch them, and works the targeted muscles during ever stage of the movement.

When using light bands, they are great for activating muscles during a warm-up, while they can add some resistance to a bodyweight workout much more simply than using free weights.

At the other end of the scale, more heavy duty resistance bands can be used for everything from assisted pull-ups, to increasing tension in a bench press.

How effective are resistance bands?

They can be just as effective as traditional gym equipment. A scientific review published in 2019 found that elastic resistance training was able to promote the same strength gains as conventional resistance training. While research from 2012 concluded that a progressive resistance training plan could boost skeletal muscle mass, muscle strength and reduce body fat.

Another reason bands are so effective is down to their relatively low price and transportability. A lot more affordable than a set of dumbbells, resistance bands are a cheap way of decking out a home gym – allowing you to work out to your own schedule. What’s more, they can be folded up and packed away when not in use, and even thrown in a suitcase if you want to keep your training routine on track when travelling.

The post What Do Resistance Bands Do? appeared first on MensFitness.
